Sunday, April 08, 2007

Me and Luca (friend visiting from Italy)

Rip Curl Pro surfing championship

Rip Curl Pro surfing championship - puny waves

Rip Curl Pro surfing championship

Rip Curl Pro surfing championship - about to get nailed from the guy's board

Rip Curl Pro surfing championship: on the podium! short lived though...

Rip Curl Pro - surfing championship at Bells Beach (no waves unfortunately...)

My next car: Hummer

Formula One, Melbourne: the winner! (Ferrari, not me..)

Formula One, Melbourne

Formula One, Melbourne

Formula One, Melbourne - driver parade (not sure who the driver is...)

Formula One, Melbourne - airshow

Formula One, Melbourne- with some friends, and the driver of the racecar - no clue who he is

Formula One - Melbourne

On board the Sydney harbour cruise - at the bar

Sydney harbour cruise - work colleagues and customers

Took a cruise of Sydney harbour on this boat - was a work "thing" :-)

FINA World Swimming Championships - this was the open water part of the event, in front of my apartment

Visitors from Holland - Pim and Martijn. Took a few shots to get them to react to the camera...haha!

Monday, April 02, 2007

The latest news...been real busy with work, too busy in fact.

Major upcoming trip, all booked and ready to go:

  • June 27-July 1, Noordwijk The Netherlands (alrighty everyone, Awakenings Festival!)
  • July 1-10, Rhodos Greece, kitesurf vacation with my parents, staying at the Hilton in the northern part of the island (next door to all the action)
  • July 10-12, Amsterdam or Noordwijk
  • July 12, return to Melbourne

Have a bunch of pics I need to upload, including Formula 1 GP here in Melbourne, might take a few weeks till I upload (waiting for my laptop to be repaired).

Can't make it to uni reunion in Miami this month (sorry guys...), too busy with work to take a week off. And looks like I may not need to go to Miami in May for business, which is a good thing because I don't feel like it at all.

Moving on...