Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Been here in South Padre Island for around 10 days now. Carin left last Friday, we had a great time, she learned to kitesurf, and looks to be pretty talented at it too.

Next month a friend of mine from the UK might visit, Mike. He's tentatively scheduled to stay for about 10 days, will be a lot of fun if he comes. Mike - you will love the kiting :)

And so the other piece of interesting news: Australia/work/relocation/etc. Almost there, in the final stages of negotiations with my company; I would be based in Melbourne initially, moving there mid-May. Life is moving pretty fast...even on a 4 month vacation.

Skydiving and landing on the beach.

Carin in the National Guard climbing thing.

Guy was sick from drinking too much. Time: 14:00 or so.

Rodeo bull

Carin in the US Marines pull-up contest - she did 60 seconds, and the record was 70...nice one! Got a beach towel prize off of that one (which I still have ;)

Just read it...cops having fun in a seized vehicle

At the beach

Spring Break - the scene

Spring Break madness, beer funnel

Spring Break - ground zero

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Not a very interesting view - but anyways.

Carin learning to kitesurf....first day, no wind!

Carin sitting on the ground - nothing funny about that, right?

The Vehicle: Nissan Pathfinder, nice and spacious, and a real gas-guzzler, perfect.

Me at the airport. So the trip from Holland to Texas was an absolute nightmare:

1) In Holland, it all started out with the taxi to the airport, 30 minutes late, and it was the driver's first day on the job!

2) Plane had technical problems, one hour delay to departure.

3) Here's the big one: upon arrival in the US, at immigration, I went to the US citizens line, and Carin went to the other line for non-citizens. We were supposed to meet at the baggage belt...that did not happen. I waited for 1.5 hours at the belt, then I thought to myself, "she must have already gone to the hotel or something", so I proceeded to pick up the rental car, and drove to the hotel.

At the hotel...no Carin. What? After about half an hour, she called from the airport. She had an incorrect hotel address written on the immigration card, so the INS wouldn't let her through until that was clarified. So in line with all the people who had "non-standard" paperwork, or those that wanted to migrate to the US. Long story short - they finally let her go, but not without a lot of waiting, patience, and hassle!

In Houston, we had dinner with JJ, a friend of mine. Forgot to take pics!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

After 20 hours travel, luckily in first class (thank you airmiles), I had the great pleasure of arriving to this: 0 degrees, snow/sleet, grey. Welcome home...luckily only a few days here, then off to Texas!

Aerial view of Perth

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm currently in Sydney (with the Opera House in the background of the pic), since my company flew me over here to discuss the possibility of living and working in Australia.

So far...so good...the idea is for me to start work in Melbourne for a couple of months, just to get things rolling. Then, base myself (home office) permanently in Perth, with weekly travel (3 days/week) within Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Phillipines, and Malaysia. Sounds great, doesn't it...but all of this carries it's own set of risks and sacrifices, albeit for huge lifestyle benefits, especially when compared to Europe (how's the snow right now, people?).

This would all start shortly after my sabbatical leave, in May.

Next steps: go or no-go decision by next week. Stay tuned!

Sydney cruise ship.

Prime Minister's residence - nice pick, John!

Downtown Manly Beach

Manly Beach - one of the beaches around Sydney. Too urbanised and commercial...for my liking. Nothing like Perth beaches!

Manly beach, pro sand-castle building

Jetboating! Immediately I thought this could be a really cool experience, however, upon closer inspection, it's really no adrenaline kick at all: just cruising around at high speed on the river. Not like the original jet-boating they have in New Zealand, which scream down rivers, inches away from canyon walls. Good thing I didn't waste my time on this.

Skyscraper-ville, Sydney.

Downtown Sydney....skyscrapers, suits, traffic, noise, the works. Felt like London in the sun.

Sydney marina - too bad about the weather.

Doofy-looking Sydney bird. Don't ask me the name.

Sydney - near the convention center

My hotel room in Sydney, at the Radisson. This was a dramatic change for me, after 7 weeks living in the confines of a motorhome. Felt great!

Cottlesloe Beach, Perth