Friday, February 03, 2006

Captain's Log: today was supposed to be the day Jonny would arrive from Austria. Alas, that will not happen, he unfortunately was assigned a term paper, this week, from his university, and it is due March 1st. Doubtful he would be able to write about anything (other than kiting and fun) if he had come to Australia.

So, decisions, decisions...Perth area is really awesome, there are loads of kitesurf locations, good infrastructure (gyms,restaurants, bars, cafes, internet, etc)...and plus there's my friends. So, should I do another roadtrip or not, hmmmmmm....

Yesterday I met a friend of a friend, he's from Tenerife, also a kitesurfer, and wants to do a roadtrip. Maybe we'll do it next week, go up north to Gero/Coronation/Monkey Mia/etc. Today we discuss it, and will post details.

Almost the mid-point of my Australia vacation! Oh no! It's going to be hard to leave here, that's for sure. Well, at least there's other things to look forward to, afterwards :)


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