Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This is my blog of an epic kiteboard trip I'll be taking from January 8th to April 27th, 2006. I've been thinking about this for some time now (years...), and finally this year I decided to bite the bullet and just do it - my company was real flexible, allowing me to take the time off and return to my position (thanks!).

The first stop on the trip will be Western Australia, January 9th, to March 4th. Me and a buddy (Ruben - check him out on http://www.rubenlenten.com) will travel down there together and spend a couple months roadtripping in a motorhome. Jonny from Austria will join us in the beginning of February, staying for 3 weeks. Others may come as well, will post details when they are confirmed.

Stop number two will be South Padre Island, Texas (border with Mexico), from March 8th to April 27th. Going to be a whole lot of kiteboarding and Spring Break fever....hahaha. Some friends of mine might join (Ruben, Mike, Tommaso, etc), again will post details once they confirm.

For the uninitiated, here is Western Oz, complete with a nice collection of potential kiteboarding spots:

In Australia, we will be touring the coast with this 4x4 motorhome:

But first, we will spend 5 days here at the Sheraton Perth, before hooking up with the motorhome:

And here is South Padre Island, Texas:

Another reason for SPI - Spring Break! Check it from last year:

Plans for the trip are to kite, party, and enjoy life as much as possible. Oh, and not work. Stay tuned as details are posted about the trip.


At 8:11 AM, Blogger extra_chrisb said...

Hey Steve, maybe post your email address so I can email you.



At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dude,

Really sick, just kiting, relaxing. You will miss a lot of party's here, but when you come back we will celebrate it with a big fat techno party;) well have fun.



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